HART 30th Anniversary World Premiere Fundraiser

Join Us in Bringing "The Amazing Seance Sisters" to Life!

HART Theatre is thrilled to present the World Premiere of "The Amazing Seance Sisters," a new  play by best-selling author, April Aasheim, and directed by Harrison Butler. Set against the backdrop of the Civil War, this unique production explores themes of sisterhood, women's rights, love, and the paranormal. As we celebrate our 30th anniversary, we invite you to be part of this special world premiere event by supporting our fundraising campaign.

Why Your Support Matters

Producing a high-quality theatrical production involves numerous costs, from set design and costumes to lighting, special effects, and consulting. "The Amazing Seance Sisters" promises to be an unforgettable experience, complete with a Victorian-era seance, magical elements, and a compelling storyline that is part humor, part horror, and part history. Your generous contribution will help us cover these expenses and ensure that we can deliver a show that is both visually stunning and emotionally impactful.

How You Can Help

We have created several donation tiers, each offering exclusive rewards as our way of saying thank you for your support. No matter which tier you choose, you will receive all the benefits of that tier plus the benefits of all earlier tiers. Whether you can give a little or a lot, every bit helps us reach our goal and bring this incredible production to the stage.

From Our HART to YOURS!

Two sisters enter the mediumship business. What could go wrong?

Thank You!

Days Left: 0
Goal: $4999
Donor Levels
World Premiere: VIP Supporter
  • All benefits of the Mystic Supporter tier
  • Opportunity to play the part of 'the dead guy' in The Seance Sisters for one future performance after opening night
  • Name in the playbill for perpetuity as this is a world premiere event
World Premiere: Mystic Supporter
  • All benefits of the Magician Supporter tier
  • Two tickets for the opening night red-carpet premiere event with best seats
  • Limited to five sponsors
World Premiere: Magician Supporter
  • All benefits of the Medium Supporter tier
  • Two tickets to any show, except opening night
World Premiere: Medium Supporter
  • All benefits of the Psychic Supporter tier
  • Signed theatre poster of the world premiere, signed by the playwright, cast, and director
World Premiere: Psychic Supporter
  • All benefits of the Spectral Supporter tier
  • Two cookies at the show
  • Two snacks and two drinks at the show
  • Name on scrolling monitor in HART lobby preshow
World Premiere: Spectral Supporter
  • All benefits of the Spirit Supporter tier
  • Bi-weekly newsletter updates with behind-the-scenes info on auditions, rehearsals, sets, etc., not available on social media
World Premiere: Spirit Supporter
  • Shoutout on social media
  • Listed in our newsletter
  • Free cookie at the performance
HART Theatre General Donation

Donate here to help HART Theatre with various costs including rent, utilities, storage, tech, sets, etc. 

This Fundraiser has ended!
Donor Wall
Bunny Girt agent state farm ins.
$500 donation
April Aasheim
$50 donation
Alesia Zorn
$50 donation
$50 donation
Linda Needham
$50 donation
$25 donation